You’re probably thinking this is another post by Amanda, but guess again! This time it’s Sister (aka: Amanda’s sister) here to share a few dolly delights!
Like my older sis, I enjoy making lots of doll crafts, and some of my favorite things to make are plastic canvas doll cases. This case is a case I made for my Rapunzel doll:However, I never really use and have decided to sell it. But, before it sells, Rapunzel wanted to take you on a little tour and show it off.
The floor is all yours Rapunzel!
Hi, everyone! I’m so excited to do this!I saw that Cinderella wrote a post for this blog, and it was so cool that I’ve wanted to do one myself!
And now I’m actually doing it!
Okay…so this is the front of the case:There is a stitched picture of me on the front so that everyone knows that “Rapunzel” lives here.
On the back is a picture of the golden flower–I really like this and think it adds a touch of whimsy. The top has handles so the case can be easily transported–and that’s a big deal when you’ve been in the same place for eighteen years!
On the side are buckles and latches. These velcro shut to keep out the ruffians, thugs, poison ivy, snakes, plagues….you get the idea. Here is the inside:
All of the colors are Tangled inspired.
My side of the room is purple with little, golden flowers stitched on the walls: The floor and ceiling are cream colored to keep the room from becoming overly dark and feeling boxy.
The three top drawers the dresser are stitched with purple and gold yarn to represent the colors of Corona.
And the drawers have cute Tangled themed buttons for knobs!
Now the other side of the room belongs to Eugene, and he was very specific about how he wanted it to look.Oh, come on! It’s the first room I’ve ever had!
I couldn’t have it looking all “princessy”!
This side is stitched to look like blue and brown paneling:
No guy would feel self-conscience staying in a room like this!
The dresser drawers are stitched with blue and brown yarn to match the walls:This way no one gets confused about whose drawer is whose.
And look! He has cute “Tangled” drawer pulls like mine!
Yeah….let’s move on.
The floor folds up for traveling: And folds down when the case is open:
The floor is stitched with very soft yarn.Perfect for a doll (like me) who prefers going barefoot!
On this side is a very large space that we use as extra storage….…and as a place for Maximus.
It has red and gold stripes:And since Max is such a fan of apples, there is an apple border stitched at the top.
I just love being able to keep my horse in the house!
Yeah…except for when he rolls in the mud and tracks hoof prints everywhere!
Oh, and we can’t forget the furniture!
There are two pieces of furniture that go with the case:A changing screen and a little bench.
The changing screen is purple, pink, and gold:It can be folded down for easy storing.
The chair is also purple, pink, and gold: And when you open the lid there is more space for storing things!
Oh, look! My guitar…I’ve been looking for this!
Oh, blondie! That thing should have stayed hidden!
I guess I need to take it over to Tink’s and have her fix it.
Oh no! No, no…
…the last time we went over there I had to listen to Gaston sing about his glory days for hours!
But I really need to get this fixed though so it can go along with the rest of the case.
Alright, I’ll take you!
Just let me give Kit a call first. At least then I’ll have some back up in case Gaston breaks into a spontaneous melody.
Thank you for joining me on this tour! I hope you got some amazing craft ideas from this little travel case!
Thanks! The plastic canvas crafts are fun…time consuming but lots of fun?
Wow this is amazing!:)
Thank you!
Amazing! I got to your blog from AmericanGirlFan's and I'm glad I did. This looks like it was a ton of work, but it paid off. Nice job