Yes, you read the title right!! Ever After High’s “Kitty Cheshire” has joined our doll family!
After reading rumors that Mattel is discontinuing their Ever After High dolls, I decided it was high time for me to get one of my favorite characters:
I’ve wanted Kitty Cheshire for some time but held off getting her just in case a live-action “Beauty And The Beast” doll gift set was released. However, because things aren’t looking too good for Ever After High, I felt I needed to go ahead and snag Kitty while she was still available.
There are four versions of Kitty Cheshire:
The Original or First release.
The Way To Wonderland edition.
Spring Unsprung Kitty.
And Book Party Kitty:
All four are tempting! However, since Way To Wonderland Kitty and Spring Unsprung Kitty were sold out, I found myself debating between the Original Release and the latest release, Book Party Kitty. In the end, I chose the Original Release because I liked her face and hairstyle best.
And here she is!Kitty Cheshire is the daughter of the Cheshire Cat and an Ever After High rebel. Like the other original Ever After High dolls, she comes in a box that looks like a book. I just love these book-ish boxes!
The description on the back of the box reads…
Kitty Cheshire:
Now you see her, now you don’t. Daughter of the infamous, disappearing, reappearing, ever-grinning Cheshire Cat of Wonderland, Kitty has quite the rep for being a curious prankster. She doesn’t mean any harm, Kitty’s just being herself. Though don’t expect her to apologize. Most assume she just loves stirring the pot, but Kitty’s actually someone who holds her friends close to her heart.
Following the description are a few fun facts about Kitty:Her secret heart’s desire is to unravel the rules just like she would a ball of yarn.
- She has the special ability to turn invisible and “poof” from place to place without being seen.
- Her curiosity is what often gets her into trouble.
- Her idea of a great guy is one who’s “the cat’s meow”.
- Her favorite subject at school is Geografairy–once she memorizes the lay of the land she can appear anywhere she wants.
- Her least favorite subject is Swim Class–just the thought of it makes her fur stand on end.
- Her best friend is Lizzie Hearts, her sister from another litter!
Okay, time to get Kitty out of her box and have a closer look:Kitty Cheshire comes with:
- A silver doll stand.
- A silver hairbrush.
- A bookmark.
- And (of course) her awesome background!
Let’s take a moment to check out this background and see if it has any craft potential!
Hmmm….interesting.Yes, I think I could do something creative with this. If it wasn’t for that silly Netflix logo the inside of the box would be perfect.
Nevertheless, I will work around it and reuse this box to make something fantastic!
Oh yes, I’m sorry Kitty! Let’s get back to the review! Unlike Cedar Wood and Ashlynn Ella, Kitty Cheshire cannot balance on her own so we will have to use the doll stand.Kitty’s outfit consists of:
- A purple and black dress.
- Purple chevron tights.
- A pair of black boots.
- A cat headband
- A cat purse.
- A bracelet.
- And a ring.
Kitty Cheshire has lavender colored skin which, I believe, makes her only character in Ever After High to have an unnatural skin tone. She has blue, almond-shaped, “cat” eyes, and wears light magenta lipstick. As I was de-boxing Kitty, I noticed that her hair was messy and seemed a bit sticky.
I think this is unusual since both Cedar Wood and Ashlynn Ella have really nice, soft hair. My guess is that, because this was a “first edition” doll, and could have sat in a hot warehouse for a while, some of the glue had seeped out of her head and into her hair. Thankfully, it wasn’t too bad. I was able to clip away the sticky strands (there weren’t very many), and gently comb everything out…
…leaving Kitty with soft, silky hair like the rest of the girls!
Kitty has a grinning, “Cheshire Cat” headband:
The headband is shaped like a cat and is held in place with two plastic tabs? It has ears and whiskers molded to it and, except for the wide, toothy grin, is completely black. Here is Miss Kitty without her headband:
She has a plastic, fur collar around her neck:The collar is painted gray and has a purple ribbon with little gray bells.
Kitty’s dress is all one piece:The top part of the dress is light purple, with little dots and swirls printed on it, and black, mesh sleeves. I don’t know much about Wonderland so I’m not exactly sure if this dot and swirl pattern have any meaning behind it or if it’s just a pretty print?
The skirt of the dress has two layers. The top layer is black mesh (like the sleeves), and the bottom layer is a shiny, purple ombre fabric.
Next, we have Kitty’s purple, chevron leggings: The leggings are sewn from a stretchy material and printed with purple zigzags.
Then we have her adorable shoes: They are black, open toe shoes, with cat ears and whiskers molded into the sides, and gray fur painted at the top.
Kitty’s purse also has lots of feline-inspired details!The purse’s handle is molded to look like yarn. There are little ears and whiskers on the front, and (of course) a wide grin.
Her other accessories include a bracelet, finger ring, and a pair of earrings:
After studying these items, I’ve come to the conclusion that the bracelet is supposed to be little bells, while the finger ring and earrings (which can be removed) are yarn balls. The finger ring looks like three tiny balls of yarn, and the earrings seem to have one small skein at the top and a larger one at the bottom.
Lastly, we have the bookmark: The bookmark is purple and, when you open it, reveals a short story featuring Kitty Cheshire.
I will admit, Kitty Cheshire isn’t the type of doll I would normally purchase; however, I’m completely in love with her!
She is totally unique and (being a cat person) I love her feline tendencies?
So, it’s safe to say that Kitty Cheshire is here to stay…which means more crafting for me! Yippee!!
But, until I make the purrfect feline habitat, she still needs a place to bunk…
What kind of house would you make for Kitty Cheshire? Let us know in the comment section below and feel free to share this post!
Sorry for my late replies! Our internet connection went out a few days ago which left me unable to reply to comments! But, thankfully, it's been fixed?. Oooh…a plastic canvas cat bed….I like that idea!
Thank you! I agree, Kitty Cheshire definitely needs a "cat" themed room. I don't know much about the Cheshire Cat, but plan to do some research to get a bit of inspiration for her room. Yes, purple should definitely be the main color scheme and I love the idea of quotes on the walls…and yarn…lots and lots of yarn!
Hi Tinker Bell’s Treasure. I had an idea for a bed for Kitty Cheshire that I wanted to share with you. What if you used plastic canvas and yarn to make something that looks like one of those oval, woven baskets that some people have for their cats to sleep in. The mattress could be designed like the oval shaped cushion in the bottom on the basket. Let me know what you think.
Signed, Treesa
Awesome Review. and If I were to make a room for Kitty I would make it Cheshire cat inspired with Purple walls and maybe yarn and a few framed cheshire Cat quotes