Welcome to another Ever After High doll review! In our last Ever After High post, we looked at Cedar Wood (you can read it here). Today’s post will feature:
Ashlynn Ella!
Ashlynn Ella (the daughter of Cinderella) is a “Royal” at Ever After High. This particular doll is part of the Epic Winter collection.
The description on the back of the box reads:
While under an evil curse, the snow king casts an endless blizzard over the land. His daughter, Crystal Winter, turns to the only people who can help: the powerful princesses of Ever After High! Together, the fairytale friends adventure for the legendary Winter Rose to lift the curse and make this the most Epic Winter ever after!
Beneath the description is a short note from Ashlynn saying:
Normally I love all the beauty of all the seasons, but I have to admit that this blizzard is royally out of control! It’s impossible to find any of my glass shoes. They just blend in with all the snow and ice that’s covering Ever After High! Fortunately, even in frosty weather, my princess magic of communicating with animals is powerful. With help from my fuzzy winter friends, we’ll break that curse before the clock strikes midnight!
So, miss Ashlynn can communicate with animals? She’s my kind of girl!
The bottom left side of the box has a picture of all the dolls available in the Epic Winter collection.
Crystal Winter is definitely tempting me!
Alright, we’ve admired the box…time to release Ashlynn!
Ashlynn Ella comes with:
- A crown
- A removable dress and belt
- A pair of tall boot (I’m guessing these are glass boots?)
- A purse
- A story
- A ring
Unlike Cedar Wood, Ashlynn Ella did not come with a doll stand.
While the lack of a stand is disappointing, Ashlynn can balance on her own. In fact, their ability to stand on their own is something that I absolutely love about Ever After High dolls.
Of course, Ashlynn’s crown had to be secured to her head with four, nasty plastic tabs?
Hooray, the tabs are gone!
Here is a look at the crown.It is painted metallic teal and molded to resemble ice crystals. Hmmm….I think I know a doll who will be very interested in this wintry headdress!
Ashlynn’s smile is so sweet! She has a light, natural skin tone, green eyes, and wears light makeup with light pink lipstick.
Her hair is strawberry blonde and very soft. It is styled into a loose, twisted braid; which I’m a bit partial to since it’s the same style that Fawn wears in the Legend Of The Neverbeast movie. It could use a little something extra though…
Like a bow! Now it’s perfect!
The Epic Winter theme is carried throughout Ashlynn’s clothing:
Her dress is mint green with pink snowflakes and flowers printed on it, and a bit of pink faux fur attached to the waist. Actually, the fur is more of a candy cane color than a true pink. The gold belt around her waist snaps in the back and is removable.
Here is a close-up view of the belt:I’m not exactly sure what it is supposed to be but it looks like some kind of foliage. Maybe a bit of holly?
Ashlynn wears bright pink tights beneath her dress:The tights are embossed with snowflakes and swirls. This is the only part of Ashlynn that I don’t like–her tights are molded to her legs and cannot be taken off. It’s such a shame too because Ashlynn is such a pretty doll. But, in my opinion, these hot pink tights say cheap manufacturing!
Let’s move on though and take a peek at her shoes:
Ashlynn wears tall boots that are molded with icicle shapes, and are painted the same, shiny, teal color as her crown. They are boots befitting an epic journey!
Ashlynn Ella’s dress fastens in the back using a strip of Velcro.I’m really hoping that her dress will slip off and I won’t have to remove her hands.
Almost there…
Haha! Success!
Since Ashlynn doesn’t have a stand of her own (and can’t balance without shoes), I am going to use Cedar’s stand for to help her stand and show off her pose-ability. I’m not going to spend a lot of time on Ashlynn’s articulation because she basically has all the same features as Cedar Wood.
She can rotate at the shoulder, bend her elbows and wrists, and also lift her legs and bend her knees:At first, her joints seemed a bit stiff. However, after doing a few pictures they loosened up and she was easy to pose.
Now, for Ashlynn’s final articulation exercise; let’s see if she can do the splits:

Okay, back to reviewing. Here is a look at Ashlynn’s Epic Winter accessories:
Her accessories include:
- A teal purse.
- A short story on a cardboard booklet.
- And a little ring.
Ashlynn’s purse is painted metallic teal (same as her crown and shoes) and has icicle details. The purse cannot be opened though.
The “story” is a little card with a picture of Ashlynn on the front, and a short anecdote on the back.
The last of Ashlynn’s wintry items is this little ring.
It is a blue ring with icicle shapes molded up the sides, and what looks like a red rose underneath a plastic dome-shaped cap. This trinket was probably intended to be for the doll’s owner, however, there is no way it will fit on my finger! It’s still cute though, and I could see where a little girl would enjoy wearing it while playing with Ashlynn and her friends. Speaking of which….
Let’s take a final look at Epic Winter Ashlynn Ella!
Whoops…forgot the belt…
There we go!
After reviewing both Cedar and Ashlynn, I must admit that I’m quite smitten with this collection of dolls! Their ability to hold so many different poses makes them super fun to photograph. I’m definitely looking forward to getting more characters from this unique line! I wonder who I should get next? Cerise Hood? Briar Beauty? Or possibly Kitty Cheshire!
Well, I guess it’s time to wrap up this post and let Tinkerbell introduce Ashlynn to the other dolls:
Yikes! Sounds like Anastasia has plans for poor Ashlynn!
Well, we hope you enjoyed this epic review of Ashlynn Ella! Feel free to leave us a comment and give your thoughts on Ever After High’s Epic Winter collection.